Two weeks before it became easier to provide language support inside coc.nvim -See this blog post. It is now the case for sublime, thanks to camells.

It is an extension for camells to enable Apache Camel language server support.

Camel Language Server Support Demo

For instance, code completion for XML with Camel DSL. The capabilities are based on the Camel Language Server.


For instance, code completion for JAVA with Camel DSL. The capabilities are based on the Camel Language Server.


Install LSP plugin

Tools -> Command palette… -> Package Control: Install Package Tools -> Command palette… -> Install LSP

Configure LSP plugin for Camel

Download Camel LSP server jar from (


Package Setting -> LSP Settings Fill LSP.sublime-settings with the following configuration and also please update path to the camel-lsp-server jar


			"enabled": true,
			"languages": [
					"selector": "text.xml",
					"priority_selector": "text.xml",
					"selector": "",
					"priority_selector": "",

Follow these steps to automatically download the latest Apache Camel language server jar and create required LSP configurations.

Run the following command in your terminal. Open a .java or .xml in your sublime text to enable camel language server

Enjoy the Completion of Camel URI in Sublime.