Apache Camel 4.x Upgrade Guide

This document is for helping you upgrade your Apache Camel application from Camel 4.x to 4.y. For example, if you are upgrading Camel 4.0 to 4.2, then you should follow the guides from both 4.0 to 4.1 and 4.1 to 4.2.

Upgrading Camel 4.5 to 4.6


When using variableReceive then the variable is only set if processing the Exchange was completely successfully.

For example calling a route that fails due to an exception being thrown (even if onException or errorHandler are in use) then the variable is no longer set. Also, if the route is marked for rollback, or to stop continue routing with .stop().

This is the same logic that the routing engine uses, whether to continue routing the Exchange or not.


Harmonized model for defining custom beans to be the same for Kamelets and generic beans in XML/YAML DSLs. Before there used to be 3 specialized model classes that has been refactored into a single class, offering the same capabilities for configuring beans (constructors, properties, builder classes, init/destroy methods etc.)


When using XML DSL to define properties on <bean> then <property> must now be declared inside <properties>.


When using YAML DSL to define properties on bean then property has been removed in favour of using properties.


      - name: "myProcessor"
        type: "#class:com.foo.MyClass"
          - key: "payload"
            value: "test-payload"


      - name: "myProcessor"
        type: "#class:com.foo.MyClass"
          payload: "test-payload"

Renamed streamCaching to streamCache on the route


  streamCaching: false
    uri: "direct:foo"
      - to: "mock:bar"


  streamCache: false
    uri: "direct:foo"
      - to: "mock:bar"


The class org.apache.camel.component.es.aggregation.ElastichsearchBulkRequestAggregationStrategy has been renamed to org.apache.camel.component.es.aggregation.ElasticsearchBulkRequestAggregationStrategy.


The specifciationUri in the rest-api component has changed from being a java.net.URI to a String type , as it uses Camels ResourceLoader to load from pluggable resources and also more tooling friendly.

The validator using Atlassian swagger-request-validator JAR has been removed, as this library is not JakartaEE compatible, and was causing classloading problems. The validator is now using similar validation as Rest DSL. However, the validator no longer check for JSon payloads if any required nodes is missing.


The Camel Langchain4j Chat component name has been changed from camel-langchain-chat`to `camel-langchain4j-chat to adhere to the standardized naming conventions within the LangChain4j ecosystem.

If you are migrating from Camel 4.5, please ensure the following:

  • Update your maven dependencies, changing from camel-langchain-chat`to `camel-langchain4j-chat

  • Adjust your endpoints, replacing langchain-chat with langchain4j-chat

  • Transfer any Camel class references from org.apache.camel.component.chat.ChatLangchain* to org.apache.camel.component.langchain4j.chat.ChatLangchain4j*

  • Modify the header name The prompt Template from CamelLangChainChatPromptTemplate to CamelLangChain4jChatPromptTemplate


The Camel Langchain4j Embeddings component name has been changed from camel-langchain-embedings to camel-langchain4j-embedings to adhere to the standardized naming conventions within the LangChain4j ecosystem.

If you are migrating from Camel 4.5, please ensure the following

  • Update your maven dependencies, changing from camel-langchain-embedings`to `camel-langchain4j-embedings

  • Adjust your endpoints, replacing langchain-embedings with langchain4j-embedings

  • Transfer any Camel class references from org.apache.camel.component.langchain.embeddings.LangChainEmbeddings* to org.apache.camel.component.langchain4j.embeddings.LangChain4jEmbeddings*

  • Modify the header name The Finish Reason from CamelLangChainEmbeddingsFinishReason to CamelLangChain4jEmbeddingsFinishReason

  • Modify the header name The Input Token Count from CamelLangChainEmbeddingsInputTokenCount to CamelLangChain4jEmbeddingsInputTokenCount

  • Modify the header name The Output Token Count from CamelLangChainEmbeddingsOutputTokenCount to CamelLangChain4jEmbeddingsOutputTokenCount

  • Modify the header name The Total Token Count from CamelLangChainEmbeddingsTotalTokenCount to CamelLangChain4jEmbeddingsTotalTokenCount

  • Modify the header name A dense vector embedding of a text from CamelLangChainEmbeddingsVector to CamelLangChain4jEmbeddingsVector


The PlatformHttpEngine class has changed the createConsumer method to return a org.apache.camel.component.platform.http.spi.PlatformHttpConsumer type, instead of org.apache.camel.Consumer.


The id used for multipart file upload attachments on AttachmentMessage has changed from being the name of the uploaded file, to the value specifed on the name field of the Content-Disposition header sent in the request body.


The option scopes is changed from a Collection to be a String type to make it easy to configure in endpoint URI from all DSLs and tooling. Multiple scopes can be separated by comma.


The Kafka component now supports custom subscription adapters for applications with very complex subscription logic.


The Camel Azure ServiceBus consumer has been refactored to internally use the high-level client instead of the low-level client to more easily support automatic reconnection, competing consumers and high availability, amongst other concerns. The corresponding changes to configuration options are:

  • The consumer now supports the Competing Consumers EIP. This can be enabled by increasing the newly added maxConcurrentCalls option to a value greater than 1.

  • The disableAutoComplete option has been removed. Auto-complete is always disabled on the underlying client to ensure that Camel is able to correctly complete, abandon or dead-letter consumed messages as appropriate. The presence of the disableAutoComplete option made little sense, since it is not propagated to the underlying client and enabling this option caused Camel not to take any steps to acknowledge/reject consumed messages. Enabling this option would result in message locks being held indefinitely, which is almost certainly not the desired behaviour.

  • The high level client always operates in receiveMessages mode (peek mode is not supported), so the consumerOperation option has been removed, along with the ServiceBusConsumerOperationDefinition enum. The associated peekNumMaxMessages option has also been removed.

  • The receiverAsyncClient option has been replaced with a processorClient option to enable use of a custom-configured client. The parameter type accepted by this option is ServiceBusProcessorClient.

  • The reconnectDelay option has been removed, since reconnection is now handled internally by the client.


When running using camel run --source-dir=mydir then Camel JBang will now preload existing files on startup, such as application.properties, and beans and routes (same as if you run with cd mydir; camel run *). This allows to configure settings on Camel on startup, which was not possible beforehand.

The --open-api option has changed from code-first to use the new contract-first Rest DSL style by using the specification file direct as-is.


The camel-as2 component has upgraded HTTP Client 4.x to 5.x and because of that, there are some options that have changed.

Changes for AS2-MDN asynchronous delivery:

  • Added an option allowing clients to request an asynchronous receipt by including a 'Receipt-Delivery-Option' header specifying the return URL in the request that is sent to the server.

  • Added a consumer capable of receiving signed or unsigned asynchronous message disposition notifications sent by the message receiver confirming receipt of the message.


The auto configuration of Cluster Service implementations has been moved to dedicated starters:

Type Starter







JGroups Lock


JGroups Raft






The Cluster Services are turned on by default unless they are explicit disabled, as example:

camel.cluster.consul.enabled = false