
The Script EIP is used for executing a coding script.


This is useful when you need to invoke some logic that are not in Java code such as JavaScript, Groovy or any of the other Languages.

The returned value from the script is discarded and not used. If the returned value should be set as the new message body, then use the Message Translator EIP instead.


The Script eip supports 1 options, which are listed below.

Name Description Default Type


Required Expression to return the transformed message body (the new message body to use).



Whether to disable this EIP from the route during build time. Once an EIP has been disabled then it cannot be enabled later at runtime.




Sets the description of this node.


Using Script EIP

The route below will read the file contents and call a groovy script

  .script().groovy("some groovy code goes here")
  <from uri="file:inbox"/>
    <groovy>some groovy code goes here</groovy>
  <to uri="bean:myServiceBean.processLine"/>

Mind that you can use CDATA if the script uses < > etc:

  <from uri="file://inbox"/>
    <groovy><![CDATA[ some groovy script here that can be multiple lines and whatnot ]]></groovy>
  <to uri="bean:myServiceBean.processLine"/>

Scripting Context

The scripting context has access to the current Exchange and can essentially change the message or headers directly.

Using external script files

You can refer to external script files instead of inlining the script. For example to load a groovy script from the classpath you need to prefix the value with resource: as shown:

  <from uri="file:inbox"/>
  <to uri="bean:myServiceBean.processLine"/>

You can also refer to the script from the file system with file: instead of classpath: such as file:/var/myscript.groovy